WCBA | School Prayer Project
Step 1: Sign-up to Adopt a Local School from WCBA Homepage
Step 2: If Joining with another church, you are encouraged to coordinate your ministry plans.
Level 1: Pre-year prayer
- Contact a local school principal of a school your church will adopt to pray for.
- Inform the principal your church’s desire to pray over their campus before school begins and inquire if they give permission to do so?
- Follow the guidelines given by the principal, if any, for praying over campus (and inside building if permitted).
- Inquire of the principal any items they would like your church to pray for.
- Set date for church to pray prior to the first day of school.
Level 2: Teacher Planning Prayer and Project
- Contact a teacher and inquire what school supplies he/she needs; deliver them and pray over his/her classroom during pre-planning.
Level 3: School Year Prayer and Project
- Identify an ongoing partnership with a teacher, grade-level, or entire school (including PTA and Admin) to discover and meet needs (i.e. BEtheCHURCH) throughout the year. Develop a team to maintain in contact with school and then lead your church in your school ministry.
Week of Prayer for SchoolsJuly 30th - Praying for Teachers
July 31st - Praying for Bus Drivers August 1st - Praying for School Board and Superintendent August 2nd - Praying for Parents August 3rd - Praying for Support Staff (Cafeteria Workers, Janitors, Grounds Keepers, Etc.) August 4th - Praying for School Administration August 5th - Praying over Campuses August 6th - Praying for Students Click the Image to the Left